What to take into account when versioning software
05 April 2021 —
Comments I remember many years ago, when I released my first open source project, that every time I had a new release ready, I was never sure what should be the new version number. Versioning software is not as straightforward as it might look when you don't have a lot of experience. In this article I'll try…
Released shlink-web-client v3.0.0
24 December 2020 —
Comments Two days ago I released the first major version in almost 2 years for shlink-web-client, a web UI for shlink, my self-hosted URL shortener. This new version introduces several improvements to the project, and I thought it was worth writing a post to explain all of them in depth. New design The proje…
Running several steps of a Travis CI build in parallel
19 September 2020 —
Comments Let's not deny that GitHub actions are hitting hard in the tech community, and many projects are transitioning from other continuous integration systems like Circle CI or Travis CI. Personally I have been using Travis a lot during the past years, for all my OSS projects, and I have gotten very used …
Considerations when working with async PHP runtimes like swoole
09 April 2020 —
Comments Asynchronous and non-blocking runtimes are pretty usual in many programming languages, as well as long-lived web apps that stay in memory and are capable of dispatching multiple HTTP requests without having to be fully bootstrapped every time. This has not been traditionally the case with PHP apps. …
How to properly handle a doctrine entity manager on an expressive application served with swoole
04 November 2019 —
Comments Some of you probably know that I have a pet project in which I like to work from time to time. This project is a self-hosted URL shortener called Shlink. Shlink is built using expressive as the base framework for the HTTP-dispatching task. A while ago, an expressive module was released to officially…