Alejandro Celaya | Blog

Software development, agile methodologies and open source software.

tag Archive — "github-actions"

— 2022 —

How to reduce duplication in your GitHub Actions workflows

In 2019, GitHub published their own solution to run automated workflows called GitHub Actions, which allowed those hosting their code in GitHub, to be able to define and run their CI/CD pipelines in the same platform. When it was released, one of the main pain points to use it was that defining pipe…

— 2021 —

— 2020 —

Running several steps of a Travis CI build in parallel

Let's not deny that GitHub actions are hitting hard in the tech community, and many projects are transitioning from other continuous integration systems like Circle CI or Travis CI. Personally I have been using Travis a lot during the past years, for all my OSS projects, and I have gotten very used …

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