Alejandro Celaya | Blog

Software development, agile methodologies and open source software.

tag Archive — "javascript"

— 2024 —

Released shlink-web-client v4.0.0

After more than 10 months since v3.10.0 was released, with only a couple patch releases in between, and a lot of effort put into pushing this release out, in January 2024, shlink-web-client 4.0.0 has been finally released. As opposed to v3.0.0, which introduced many visual changes, v4.0.0 focuses on…

— 2023 —

Build a search page for your astro static blog with fuse.js

Recently, I migrated this very blog to Astro, and I took the opportunity to modernize the search system. I was then using lunr, which was a bit unmaintained, and not playing well with modern build tools. Introducing fuse.js Looking for alternatives I found fuse.js, a fuzzy-search library, with zero …

My thoughts after migrating content-centric websites from Next.js to Astro

Context Around four years ago, I started to use Next.js in some projects, including this blog. These projects were not applications, but simple landing pages and documentation sites, where content written in markdown was a first class citizen. I remember that I was looking for a modern static site g…

My current take when publishing packages to the npm registry

I have always struggled with how packages are versioned and published to the npm registry. My main concern is that you probably want to also add a git tag to your source code when you are releasing a new version, but npm packages have their own versioning system, and include a "version" field in the…

— 2020 —

Released shlink-web-client v3.0.0

Two days ago I released the first major version in almost 2 years for shlink-web-client, a web UI for shlink, my self-hosted URL shortener. This new version introduces several improvements to the project, and I thought it was worth writing a post to explain all of them in depth. New design The proje…

— 2018 —

Dependency injection in nodejs projects

Some of you know that I work now as a full stack javascript developer, and I have interacted with a few different projects, both in front-end javascript and in nodejs. My main concern about javascript has been that, apparently, the community has not adopted one of the practices that, for me, has bee…

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