Dependency management and autoloading in php projects with composer
19 July 2014 —
Comments One of the common problems we have to confront when starting a new PHP project is how to handle the different dependencies we are going to have. One could think the easier solution is to download all the libraries we are going to need, put them in a lib directory and add them to the version control …
How to properly use the Zend framework 2 service manager as a dependency injection container
03 July 2014 —
Comments The service manager is one of the most important components in Zend Framework 2. It easily allows us to handle object instances, construct them and share them between other objects. By using a simple configuration file, we define how our objects have to be constructed, by a simple new, by using a f…
Create modules with sub-namespaces in Zend Framework 2. Part II
21 June 2014 —
Comments Some weeks ago, I explained how to create modules with sub-namespaces in a Zend Framework 2 application. On that article I created an example module that we could add in our modules directory, but what if we want to distribute that module through the composer network to be installed as a vendor modu…
Create modules with sub-namespaces in Zend Framework 2
21 May 2014 —
Comments The Zend Framework 2 module system is one of its greatest features. You can create re-usable modules very easily. Each module has its own namespace, and each one of them should provide an autoloader implementation for the application to be able to load its classes. The basics Usually we give a name …
How to prepare the Zend Framework 2 Certified Architect exam
18 May 2014 —
Comments Last week I passed the Zend Framework 2 Certified Architect exam. I will try to explain how did I prepare it. Studying In late March I recived an email that my exam was going to be on May the seventh, so I saw that I was going to have 4-6 weeks to prepare it. I could have started earlier, but maybe …