Configure multiple database connections in Doctrine with Zend Framework 2
18 April 2014 —
Comments There are many situations where you need multiple database connections in your application. In this post I am going to explain how to configure a connection to 2 databases to be used by Doctrine in Zend Framework 2 and how to configure a master-slave connection. Both examples will be using MySQL. Le…
Send emails in a Zend Framework 2 application using ZF2-AcMailer module
02 March 2014 —
Comments Some time ago I created a Zend Framework 2 module designed to wrap Zend\Mail and ease sending emails in a Zend Framework 2 application. I was copy-pasting the code of that module in many applications so I decided it was a good candidate to become an independent module. After creating it I pushed it …
Simulate Zend Framework preDispatch and postDispatch in a Zend Framework 2 application
15 February 2014 —
Comments Any programmer that is used to use Zend Framework version 1 will have been in the situation that Zend Framework version 2 has removed Controller Plugins as they were in the first version of the framework. Controller Plugins used to allow us to attach code to be executed at some points of the executi…
Dependency management in Java projects with Ant and Ivy
22 February 2014 —
Comments Dependency management is very important in any kind of project. Any application will need to use third party libraries to avoid to reinvent the wheel. The problem is that getting each one of them from a different place takes time, and it's not easy to be sure we get the correct version. To solve thi…
HTML5 attributes that will save your time
08 February 2014 —
Comments The HTML5 specification is in process to be a standard. New features are being included but some of them are already supported by major modern browsers. One of those features is a group of new HTML tag attributes, really useful to solve situations that used to be fixed by using javascript. Autofocus…