Reusing factories in Zend ServiceManager
21 July 2017 —
Comments I think it is doubtless that modern PHP embraces SOLID principles, and therefore, dependency injection. That's why every modern PHP application needs a dependency injection container to deal with it. There are several options out there, depending on the way you like to work. Every container has a sl…
How to customize 'not found' and 'method not allowed' response prototypes in Zend expressive 2
28 May 2017 —
Comments Sometimes the nature of an application requires you to change the default framework's way to structure error responses (like 404 and 405). On this article I'm going to explain how to customize those responses when working with Zend Expressive 2. Expressive 1. Error handler. In Expressive 1, error ha…
Take advantage of vault project's high availability with an AWS internal load balancer
23 April 2017 —
Comments In a project I'm working on, we recently needed to add some kind of encryption system that allowed us to store sensitive information in a secure manner, but being able to access to it at runtime in order to pass it to third party services. Securely storing your own app passwords is easy. You just ha…
My thoughts after migrating some projects to Zend Expressive 2
27 March 2017 —
Comments The day Zend Expressive 2 was released I was super excited. I have been using it a lot for both professional and personal projects, so I'm quite used to it. Since I've been using it in many projects, being able to update all of them to version 2 was a challenge, but I can say, I have succeeded :-) T…
Set specific IP addresses to docker containers created with docker-compose
21 April 2017 —
Comments Recently I have been testing one service and its clustering capabilities, in order to see if it fits in a project I'm working on. I decided the easiest way to do this was by creating a couple docker containers and setting up a cluster between them. It should be an easy task in theory. My first appro…