Alejandro Celaya | Blog

Software development, agile methodologies and open source software.

tag Archive — "zf3"

— 2017 —

AcMailer 7.0, the most important release in a long time

A couple of hours ago I have released the seventh major version of a module I created more than 4 years ago. <Tweet tweetId="939498067249762305" /> It was born as an abstraction to send emails in Zend Framework 2 applications, but trying to make the process simpler than directly working with the low…

Reusing factories in Zend ServiceManager

I think it is doubtless that modern PHP embraces SOLID principles, and therefore, dependency injection. That's why every modern PHP application needs a dependency injection container to deal with it. There are several options out there, depending on the way you like to work. Every container has a sl…

My thoughts after migrating some projects to Zend Expressive 2

The day Zend Expressive 2 was released I was super excited. I have been using it a lot for both professional and personal projects, so I'm quite used to it. Since I've been using it in many projects, being able to update all of them to version 2 was a challenge, but I can say, I have succeeded :-) T…

— 2016 —

Creating a content-based Error Handler for Zend Expressive

The other day I was working on a Zend Expressive application I'm currently building. The application includes a REST API among other things, but it also has some endpoints which render HTML. In one of my tests of the REST API I saw that when an error occurs (404, 405 or 500), I was getting an HTML r…

Project Scalability with Zend Expressive

I've been working with some different frameworks lately. One of them is Zend Expressive, and I've come to the conclusion that I don't need to choose between different frameworks; depending on the project, Expressive always fits my needs and scales from small projects to bigger applications. The Micr…

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