Composer advanced concepts
25 April 2015 —
Comments Composer is The Tool in any modern PHP project. Nowadays I can't imagine to work without it. It is much more powerful than some people think, easily solving the integration of third party components in our projects, but there are some advanced features that are less known. I'm going to try to explai…
Dynamically create doctrine entity managers in Zend Framework 2
07 March 2015 —
Comments Some time ago I published an article talking about different Doctrine configurations when using the DoctrineORMModule in Zend Framework 2 applications, so that you can create multiple database connections, either by using one entity manager or more than one. Since then, many people have asked me how…
Managing objects creation and dependency injection with Zend\ServiceManager
06 February 2015 —
Comments Some time ago I wrote the most successful article of this blog, Advanced usage of ServiceManager in Zend Framework 2, explaining all the ways a service can be created by making use of Zend\ServiceManager, the service container component in Zend Framework 2. On this article I'm going to show a real e…
Translations and internationalization in PHP projects with Zend\I18n
24 January 2015 —
Comments Any medium and large project has to deal at some point with the problem of translating the application itself to other languages. There are many tools and standards to do this, but one of my favourite components is Zend\I18n. Everybody who knows me is aware that I love Zend Framework, but unfortunat…
File uploads with Zend Framework 2 and jQuery
29 November 2014 —
Comments We are all very used to file uploads in plenty of web applications. From simple image uploads to a social network to multiple file uploads to file management applications like Dropbox. On this article I'm going to explain how to handle asynchronous multifile uploads from a jQuery powered front-end t…