Setting up a PHP development environment with Vagrant
10 November 2014 —
Comments Setting up a development environment is not always easy, specially for web development. Sometimes you need to install and configure plenty of applications. A database server, a web server, server-side programming language binaries, mail server, job queue server, specific package managers, building t…
Advanced usage of ServiceManager in Zend Framework 2
09 October 2014 —
Comments After a time working with Zend Framework 2 one is used to use the ServiceManager, which is one of the most powerful components in the framework. It eases the creation of objects and performing dependency injection, allowing us to define how objects are created just in one place and letting the Servi…
Unit testing Zend Framework 2 modules
21 September 2014 —
Comments One of the first articles I wrote in this blog was an introduction to unit testing PHP applications. You can find it here in case you need to know the first steps and the theory. On this article I'm going to explain how to get a Zend Framework 2 module tested. It is indeed very similar to test any P…
Managing authentication with Zend\Authentication in PHP projects
23 August 2014 —
Comments Authentication is one of the most usual tasks we need to resolve in medium and large web applications. There are many kinds of authentication. We could use database table authentication, HTTP authentication, LDAP authentication or any other kind of authentication we could imagine. Maybe we need to a…
Migrating from Wordpress to Sculpin
02 August 2014 —
Comments Some time ago, on January 2014, I decided to start writing a blog. Seemed like a good idea. I might be able to show my skills and learn new ones at the same time. I didn't wanted to use a very complex tool for this purpose, or to create one of my own (why to reinvent the wheel?), so I decided that b…