Alejandro Celaya | Blog

Software development, agile methodologies and open source software.

tag Archive — "zend-framework-2"

— 2014 —

Create modules with sub-namespaces in Zend Framework 2. Part II

Some weeks ago, I explained how to create modules with sub-namespaces in a Zend Framework 2 application. On that article I created an example module that we could add in our modules directory, but what if we want to distribute that module through the composer network to be installed as a vendor modu…

Create modules with sub-namespaces in Zend Framework 2

The Zend Framework 2 module system is one of its greatest features. You can create re-usable modules very easily. Each module has its own namespace, and each one of them should provide an autoloader implementation for the application to be able to load its classes. The basics Usually we give a name …

How to prepare the Zend Framework 2 Certified Architect exam

Last week I passed the Zend Framework 2 Certified Architect exam. I will try to explain how did I prepare it. Studying In late March I recived an email that my exam was going to be on May the seventh, so I saw that I was going to have 4-6 weeks to prepare it. I could have started earlier, but maybe …

Configure multiple database connections in Doctrine with Zend Framework 2

There are many situations where you need multiple database connections in your application. In this post I am going to explain how to configure a connection to 2 databases to be used by Doctrine in Zend Framework 2 and how to configure a master-slave connection. Both examples will be using MySQL. Le…

Send emails in a Zend Framework 2 application using ZF2-AcMailer module

Some time ago I created a Zend Framework 2 module designed to wrap Zend\Mail and ease sending emails in a Zend Framework 2 application. I was copy-pasting the code of that module in many applications so I decided it was a good candidate to become an independent module. After creating it I pushed it …

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