Alejandro Celaya | Blog

Software development, agile methodologies and open source software.

tag Archive — "composer"

— 2015 —

Composer advanced concepts

Composer is The Tool in any modern PHP project. Nowadays I can't imagine to work without it. It is much more powerful than some people think, easily solving the integration of third party components in our projects, but there are some advanced features that are less known. I'm going to try to explai…

— 2014 —

Managing authentication with Zend\Authentication in PHP projects

Authentication is one of the most usual tasks we need to resolve in medium and large web applications. There are many kinds of authentication. We could use database table authentication, HTTP authentication, LDAP authentication or any other kind of authentication we could imagine. Maybe we need to a…

Migrating from Wordpress to Sculpin

Some time ago, on January 2014, I decided to start writing a blog. Seemed like a good idea. I might be able to show my skills and learn new ones at the same time. I didn't wanted to use a very complex tool for this purpose, or to create one of my own (why to reinvent the wheel?), so I decided that b…

Dependency management and autoloading in php projects with composer

One of the common problems we have to confront when starting a new PHP project is how to handle the different dependencies we are going to have. One could think the easier solution is to download all the libraries we are going to need, put them in a lib directory and add them to the version control …

Send emails in a Zend Framework 2 application using ZF2-AcMailer module

Some time ago I created a Zend Framework 2 module designed to wrap Zend\Mail and ease sending emails in a Zend Framework 2 application. I was copy-pasting the code of that module in many applications so I decided it was a good candidate to become an independent module. After creating it I pushed it …

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